Monday, October 6, 2014



àPHP is Open source technologies or freeware technology.
àPreprocessor Hyper Text Page or Personal Home Page.
àIDE Integrated Development Environment - Dreamweaver provides better environment for PHP.
àExtension of PHP file is .php.
àPHP is secure because the code of PHP executes on the web server and output display on the web Browser. Some common web server Apache, Tomcat, JBoss.
àFor the PHP Xamp or Wamp Software install on the Computer.
àPHP + MYSQL or My Sequel, MY SQL is Database Software, it Provides Backend Concept. While PHP provides Front end.
àPHP is Lightweight & Lossely type programming Language.

Ouput in PHP
                echo statements used for the Output.
                echo "Welcome To PHP Technologies";

                echo("Welcome To PHP Technologies");

Variable Declaration in PHP
                $x=78; x is variable;  = is assignment operator; 78 is value
                echo "x = ".$x;   or echo("x = ".$x);
Input in PHP
                Using form handling concept.

Operators in PHP
1. Assignment Operator  =
2. Arithmetic Operator  + - * /  Mod
3. Conditional Operator >             >=           <             <=           !=            ==
4. Logical Operator          && (AND)            !! (OR)                  ! (NOT)
                for AND  T TT      T F F       F T F       FFF
                for OR   T TT        T F T       F T T       F FF
                for NOT  T F        F T          Note : T-1            F-0 or Not Visible
5. Increment Operator ++
6. Decrement Operator --

7. Concatenation operator. Dot Operator

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