Saturday, December 20, 2014


 à AWT is a powerful concept in JAVA. It is basically used to 
develop for the building of GUI application.

à AWT is platform dependent. That means .class file after 
the program compilation is platform independent but the look of your 
GUI application is platform dependent.

àHierarchy of AWT classes:-
àA class library is provided by the Java programming language 
which is known as Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT). It contains 
several graphical component of GUI which can be added and
 positioned based on layout manager.

àIn Java for the awt component awt package import as import java.awt.*; 


à Swing components facilitate efficient graphical user interface 
(GUI) development.

àIt provides collection of lightweight visual components 
with replacement for the heavyweight AWT components 
as well as complex user-interface components.

àThe entire Swing Component name begins with “J” so 
JComponent class is the root of the visual component class 
hierarchy in the JFC for Swing.

àIn Java for the swing component swing package import as import javax.swing.*;

àHierarchy of Swing classes:-

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